Culture and Equality
The Culture and Equality unit, formerly Gender Equality and Diversity, pursues the goal of an inclusive university with fair opportunities. Historically, the unit was founded for the career advancement of women in academia. Meanwhile its tasks also include establishing an organisational culture that is sensitive to diversity and discrimination.
(c) Manuel Lavoriero
Campaign for the prevention of gender-based violence and sexual harassment
The u:respect – No room for harassment! campaign focuses on gender-based violence and on sexual harassment in particular. It intends to strengthen the prevention and encourage a sensitive approach to such incidents while also highlighting the support services and the complaints processes available at the University of Vienna.
New programme
Employment initiative enable:univie
The newly founded employment initiative enable:univie aims to promote jobs for people with disabilities and to find suitable jobs for them at the University of Vienna.
The Culture and Equality unit is a service department of the University of Vienna and is a subunit of the Human Resources and Gender Equality unit.
Career advancement
Academic career advancement includes offers such as workshops and long-term measures and is tailored to three different target groups:
Additionally, info on networking groups is collected.
Gender monitoring
Data collected within the framework of gender monitoring enable the University to monitor the representation of women and men and their developments.
All members of the University of Vienna – students, staff, visitors and those who are interested in the University – contribute towards a diverse university culture with their individuality.
Gainful employment can not be lived independently from care work and self care. The University of Vienna wants to facilitate the reconciliation of these aspects of life.
Visibility & transfer of knowledge
An important responsibility of the Equality and Culture unit is making issues with regards to gender equality and diversity effectively visible. The unit therefore organises talks and projects on different kinds of topics on a regular basis.
Sexual Harassment & Mobbing Counselling Office
The Counselling Office is a contact point for those affected by sexual harassment and mobbing. Consultations are free of charge and confidential.
- Contact:
Mag. Dr. Barbara Grubner
(Tuesdays & Thursdays from 16:00 to 17:00)
Decentral initiatives
At the University of Vienna, there are many different initiatives regarding equality, diversity and the reconciliation of work, care and well-being. On this page we collect best practice examples from faculties, centres and service units that are essential for achieving the goal of a university free of discrimination.
We can also include your intiative! All further information can be found on the website.