20 years Culture and Equality unit


2020 marked the 20th anniversary of the Culture and Equality unit.

Anniversaries invite us to reflect what happened so far and to celebrate successes, but also to set new goals. For this, the unit organised many activities until June 2021.

With the title "No Myth!", the 20th anniversary publication of the Culture and Equality unit collects the activities around the anniversary in one palce. The publication contains

  • the interviews with Kastalia
  • a selection of the submitted eyeroll photos and statements
  • forewords by Sylwia Bukowska and Renée Schroeder
  • the special supplement "Discrimination - I won't take part in that!"

The publication can be downloaded here (PDF, in German) or ordered in print with a mail to equality@univie.ac.at!

In the course of the anniversary, we also made postcards that deal with equality issues at the university. You can download the (German) postcards here or order them in print in the unit with a short mail to equality@univie.ac.at!


Queer STS Forum published the final entry into the anniversary activities: a feminist protest song with the title "Roll Roll Roll Your Eyes". You are cordially invited to sing along.



Die Kastalia-Statue, die ein Sektglas zum Universitätsgebäude hebt. Überall ist Konfetti.

(c) derknopfdruecker.com