

Showing CARE - A series of talks of the UniKid-UniCare Network Austria

Online talks with translation into Austrian Sign Language

The talks are for employees and students of all universities in the UniKid-UniCare Austria network. The online series tackles care topics and asks for their meaning for places of study and work.

Showing CARE program 2024

The complete program for 2024 can be found in our annual program.

Next Talks:

Distance Caregiving - How can help and care for loved ones be provided from a geographical distance?

June 4, 2024, 2 – 3.30pm

Speaker: Iren Bischofberger, Nursing and health scientist, lecturer University of Vienna, president of rethinking care (Swiss association)

The presentation provides an insight into distance caregiving at universities - especially from the perspective of carers of family members. Employees and students can become distance carers at different stages of life and employment. The direction of mobility of these people and possibly also their close relatives (into Austria, out of Austria) is significant. They take on tasks from a geographical distance, while travelling or on site, such as emotional support, help with research and decision-making, taking over administration or organizing treatments and medication. Iren Bischofberger sheds light on the support options needed for successful distance caregiving in order to be able to organize and coordinate it as a joint effort within and outside of universities.

Here you can find the flyer for the event. Apart from German sign language, there will also be a simultaneous translation into English.


  • Mentally fit into old age? How can we achieve this? New scientific findings and pratical tips for everyday life (with clinical and health psychologist and prospective gerontopsychologist specializing in dementia research Marisa Koini, April 2024)
  • History of single women in Austria: contempt for death, self-conquest and humor (with Petra Unger, MA, founder of the Vienna Frauen*Spaziergänge (Women*Walks), academic speaker for feminist education and politics as well as expert for gender studies and feminist research, December 2023)
  • Facing dementia in the family (with Norbert Partl, head of Counselling of FamilyCaregivers of People with Dementia at the Caritas Vienna, June 2023)
  • Selfcare. Have you ever heard of the Recovery Nerve? - How the Vagus Nerve influences our mental health (with Sabrina Mörkl, doctor for Psychiatry and Psychotherapeutic Medicine, PSYIII psychotherapist, April 2023)
  • Men in Care: Being a Father Is Not Hard?! (with masculinity and gender expert and psychotherapist Erich Lehner, November 2022)
  • Encountering grieving people at work. Just no tears please?! (with Maria Streli-Wolf, head of the Kontaktstelle Trauer und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit in the Tyrolean Hospice Association, May 2022)
  • Corona & Care: How are our children in the pandemic? (with children and youth psychologist Prof. Martina Zemp, February 2022)
  • Corona & Care: How are parents in the pandemic? (with sociologist Prof. Ulrike Zartler, November 2021)

Series of events to present the publication

Most of the experts who gave interviews for the publication "A question of organisation?" will share their knowledge with us in person as well. The talks will be in German and translated live into Austrian Sign Language.

happened already

The Comparable Worth Index, or: what valuating work means for the gender pay gap

On February 15, 2023 (Equal Pay Day), Ute Klammer, head of the Department of Work and Qualification at the University Duisburg-Essen, spoke on "The Comparable Worth Index, or: what valuating work means for the gender pay gap".

You can read the slides for the talk (in German) here.

happened already

Parents and Academic Career

On February 22, 2023, Inken Lind, director of Department of Gender Studies and co-head of the master course Gender & Queer Studies at the Technische Hochschule Köln, will speak on Parents and Academic Career.

You can read the slides for the talk (in German) here.


Family-Friendly Higher Education and Didn't We Forget Someone? Students who care for family members

Unfortunately, this talk had to be cancelled!

On March 1, 2023 (Equal Care Day), Martin Nagl-Cupal, head of the Department of Nursing Science of the University of Vienna, will speak on "Family-Friendly Higher Education and Didn't We Forget Someone? Students who care for family members".

Work - Care - Wellbeing Days at the University of Vienna 2022

Fitting together gainful employment with household, children, care for relatives, volunteer work etc. and still taking care of oneself? This is a daily challenge for all of us, and not just since the COVID-19 pandemic. The University of Vienna - one of the biggest employers in Vienna - wants to facilitate the reconciliation of its employees work and private life as much as possible.

A family friendly career in academia - is that possible? What conditions are necessary to stay healthy when working flexibly and digitally? How can executives support their teams when somebody is strained by care responsibilities? During the Work - Care - Wellbeing Days in June 2022, there was an extensive programme on these topics with talks and discussions with employees and experts.

Documentation (in German)

The German-language events were recorded (with the exception of the Q&As). These recordings will soon be available here as video or audio. In the meantime, you can find the slides from the speakers here.

How can academia and parenthood be reconciled? (June 13, 2022)

Slides Leinfellner

Slides Data Spotlights 

Audio Panel Discussion

Stress management and self care in a flexible work environment (June 15, 2022)

Slides Korunka

Slides Vollmann

Empowering employees with burdensome care responsibilities in the team - using the example of caring family members (June 23, 2022)

Audio short inputs and moderated talk